Assalamu ‘alaykum,
Welcome to TVQ.Academy, Your Borderless School of the Qur’an. May you have a blessed and fruitful time here.
I’m sure you’ve been, all this while reading TVQ as TV Qur’an. As much as we would like it to have the impact of positive TV’s on the Muslim, TVQ stands for ‘Taysir Virtual Qur’an.’ It’s therefore Taysir Virtual Qur’an Academy.
Since the registered domain ends with .academy (not .com), we then made it part of the formal name. Thus, we don’t pronounce TVQ.Academy without the dot.
TVQ.Academy is part of a da’wah project that started with the start of GSalam.Net, the website that provides Islamic knowledge in a simple yet authentic way, since 2009.
This means while GSalam.Net is mainly aimed at embracing the faith, sharing the message and cherishing the mercy of Islam (supported by Al-Bushra by GSalam on YouTube and on Facebook) TVQ.Academy is dedicated to teaching and learning the Qur’an.
At the moment, our focus is on reading and memorizing the Qur’an, both of which are the Muslim’s gateway to better understanding the Book of Allah.
You’re welcome to Your Borderless School of the Qur’an!