Your presence here is enough an indication that you’re a Qur’an lover. However, the TVQ.Academy Qur’an Lovers are a portion of the TVQ.Academy community, without whom TVQ.Academy will be rendered insignificant.
They are the ones who follow every video, every article, and every learning material produced by TVQ.Academy.
They may not be able to enroll in The Halaqah, one for slots constrain, and two for many other reasons. But they are passionate about the Qur’an.
To them, TVQ.Academy grants free access to every learning material (articles, videos, books, etc.) published on its website.
They are also welcome to participate in webinars and discussions that will be conducted by TVQ.Academy in the future, insha Allah.
All you need is to signup for a free TVQ.Academy Qur’an Lovers’ membership and you are good to go. Insha Allah.